Chapter : 1. Introduction of Nematology Course
Chapter : 2. Morphology of Nematodes
Chapter : 3. Biology of Nematodes
Chapter : 4. Ecology of Nematodes
Chapter : 5. Important Helminths and Introduction to The Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
Chapter : 6. Symptoms Produced by Nematodes
Chapter : 7. Taxonomy of Nematodes
Chapter : 8. Plant Diseases by Nematodes
Chapter : 9. Nematodes Vs Other Microorganisms (Interaction)
Chapter : 10. Laboratory Techniques in Nematology
Chapter : 11. Sedentary endoparasitic nematodes Root Knot and Cyst Nematodes
Chapter : 12. Migratory endoparasitic nematodes are Pratylenchus (lesion nematode), Radopholus (burrowing nematodes) and Hirschmanniella
Chapter : 13. Sedentary Semi Endoparasitic nematodes- Citrus nematode and Reniform nematode
Chapter : 14. Migratory Semi Endoparasitic nematodes- lance, spiral and Stunt nematodes
Chapter : 15. Migratory Ectoparasitic nematodes- Needle, Dagger, Stubby root nematodes
Chapter : 16. Sedentary Ectoparasitic Nematodes Sheath,Ring, Sessile and Pin Nematodes
Chapter : 17. nematodes of above ground plant parts Anguina, Aphelenchoides and Ditylenchus spp.
Chapter : 18. Entomopathogenic Nematodes
Chapter : 19. Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Model
Chapter : 20. Management of plant parasitic nematodes
Chapter : 21. Historical Progress of Nematology
Chapter : 22. Genus Closely related to Nematodes